
Sarawak, Brunei & Kalimantan

We dedicate this site to share with you a collection of stories, news and updates related to Borneo particularly Sarawak (& Malaysia), Brunei and Kalimantan; this site covers a wide spectrum of information related to socio-culture, political scenario, economic development and environmental issues.

Responsible Tourism Initiative 2011/2012

Wild Asia's Responsible Tourism Initiative has been running for more than 10 years consecutively. We have discovered and highlighted outstanding examples and set benchmarks in sustainable tourism. From this year onwards, the initiative will be revised with a new structure as we find new ways to keeping it fresh and innovative.

A decade of the Responsible Tourism Initiative
In 1998 Wild Asia began scouting for pioneers and gems in responsible tourism (RT) across Asia, we worked to find relevant benchmarks in sustainable tourism and with that the Responsible Tourism Initiative was created.


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